- ISES 2012-CASS Forum (Literature 2012)
The "CASS Forum (Literature 2012)-International Summit on Epic Studies(ISES 2012): Toward Diversity, Creativity, and Sustainability” conference,sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences(CASS) and co-organized by the Bureau of International Cooperation, CASS and the Institute of Ethnic Literature, CASS, will take place from 17 to 18 November 2012 in Beijing, China.
- 首届民族文学研究博士后论坛(2014•北京)当代社会口头传统的再认识
- 第六期IEL国际史诗学与口头传统研究讲习班
史诗研究和口头传统教学在国内外有长足的发展,积累了大量可资相互借鉴和展开对话的研究成果和教学经验。长期以来,中国社会科学院民族文学研究所一直致力于研究和保护中国各民族口头及非物质遗产并提升相关领域的多边合作和人才培养。“IEL国际史诗学与口头传统研究系列讲习班”(IEL International Seminar Series on Epic Studies and Oral Tradition Research, IEL-ISSESOTR) 是在中国社科院科研局和国际合作局的支持下,由民族文学研究所及其口头传统研究中心于2009年创办的年度类跨学科专业集训项目,旨在长线推进史诗学学科建设,为口头传统研究培养专门人才。
第六期“IEL国际史诗学与口头传统研究讲习班” 由中国社会科学院文哲学部主办,民族文学研究所及口头传统研究中心承办,将于近期开班,欢迎各地学人参加。
- CASS Forum (2014•Literature): Epic Tradition in Modern Society
In recent years, the academic achievements in epic studies in China have gained attention and recognition from around the world. China’s epic researchers not only provide reference for the disciplinary construction of epic studies and the safeguarding of epic heritages in some neighboring countries, but also actively commit to promoting the multilateral cooperation and academic exchanges in the field of international epic studies. Therefore, we have planned to organize a series of forums on international epic studies regularly to convene scholars of different disciplines and research fields across the globe to discuss the cutting-edge issues on epic studies. The project was launched in 2011. The next year, we organized the “2012 International Summit on Epic Studies: Toward Diversity, Creativity, and Sustainability.” More than 70 participants from nearly 30 countries and regions gathered and discussed dozens of epic traditions from ancient time to the present in different ethnic groups in Asia Pacific Region, Western Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Africa, Latin America, and China, while proposed and founded the “International Society for Epic Studies.” The founding of ISES in China shows the expectations of epic scholars from different parts of the world in regards to epic research work in China and urges us to establish a regular platform for academic communication and dialogue in international cooperation.
- Digitizing Oral Tradition: Strategy, Practice, and Collaboration
The forum aims to promote the discussions on issues of digitizing archives of oral traditions, to establish a practical model of international standards, to satisfy the needs of working model and technical standards of archiving, and to provide referential samples for the relevant countries and their development of digital oral tradition archives, and therefore contribute new approaches to the fieldwork and folklore researches.