[帕卡·哈卡米斯] 劳里·杭柯在史诗研究中的创新






Innovations in the Study of Epic by Lauri Honko

Pekka Hakamies (Finland)

  The aim of my presentation is to study how Lauri Honko changed the study of epics – how he built his viewpoint on previous research and what was innovation. He was interested in the performers and the way performances were created and how the tradition existed in the minds of the tradition bearers between the performances. He also took closer to each other the study of oral epic poetry and literary epic Kalevala by analysing the work of Lönnrot from the aspect of a singer of epic.

  Honko acquired from the composition in performance theory its main concepts: story pattern, theme, formula, and reformulated them to suit his own needs and theoretical constructions. The same took place with the derivative of the composition in performance theory, the wordpower concept and related aspect by John Miles Foley.

  Honko added to this his own concept of multiform which is all but simple in his use. Similar is the mental text, the importance of which in particular in Kalevala studies has been discussed. In general, the viewpoint of Honko came implicitly close to the cognitive viewpoint and its main concepts. For some reason, Honko was not ready to openly discuss the perspective offered by cognitive theory; he just noted some occasional similarity with his own thinking.





About the Speaker

  Pekka Hakamies, M.A. from the University of Helsinki in 1981, Ph.D. from the University of Helsinki in 1987 under supervision of professor Matti Kuusi. He was a researcher in the Karelian Institute of the University of Joensuu from 1984 to 2006, including acting professor of folklore studies in the universities of Joensuu and Helsinki. Professor of folkloristics at the University of Turku since 2006. Main topics of interest: Finnish epic poetry, paremiology, ethnicity and ethnic identity and folk culture, oral history. Field work in Finnish Karelia in 1989-1991, in Russian Karelia in 1994-1996 and 2001-2003. Since 2010, editor of the series Folklore Fellows Communications. Member of the Board of the Finnish Literature Society from 2007 to 2016.