[奥奈·恩格尔霍芬] 阐释旗鱼足迹:叙事拓扑和叙事物






Interpreting the Spoor of the Sailfish:Narrative Topology and Narrative Artefacts

Aone Thomas Pierter Gerrit van Engelenhoven (Netherland)

  Although the regency of Southwest Maluku and the sub district of Tutuala belong to different nations - respectively the republics of Indonesia and East Timor – they were once part of a single economic and cultural network.

  When the indigenous language in Tutuala fell in disuse, the mythical stories relating to the origins of the different clans in Tutuala were hidden from the outside world and told only under special circumstances. While on the Southwest Malukan islands the story of the Sailfish is still known in its different variants, this knowledge is confined in Tutuala to the ritual masters of speech of only a few clans. Comparative research on oral traditions in both regions revealed that notwithstanding their long mutual separation in history and different language landscapes their storytelling traditions are in principle the same, albeit that in Tutuala it entered the realm of secrecy.

  This paper elaborates on narrative knowledge management in Southwest Maluku.





About the Speaker

Aone Thomas Pierter Gerrit van Engelenhoven, lectures Southeast Asian linguistics at the School of Asian Studies (Leiden Institute of Area Studies, Leiden University). He is also attached as an adviser to the Indonesian Oral Traditions Association (ATL) for which he co-ordinates the Double PhD Degree program on oral traditions between Leiden University and the Indonesian Directorate of Higher Education.
His research focuses among others things on oral traditions, specifically storytelling, singing and oral poetry (e.g. semantics of lexical parallelism) in insular Southeast Asia and the Southeast Asian diaspora. From a theoretical perspective, he combines classical ethnopoetics with cognitive linguistic and poetic approaches with an emphasis on narrative knowledge and memory.