[朝戈金] 诗学谱系中的口头诗学

 朝戈金 (中国)


Oral Poetics in the Spectrum of Poetics

Chao, Gejin (China)

“Oral Poetics” appears as a rather new direction in the expertise of literary criticism, so it is necessary to discuss its exclusive terminology system and theoretical methodology in a systematic way. It is worth mentioning that there are few in-depth discussions regarding the relationship between oral poetics and ‘poetics’ termed commonly in the field of literary studies. Nevertheless, the development of international scholarship in humanities and the intensive explorations into oral tradition in particular, have made extensive preparation for the ascension of oral poetics from different dimensions. Focusing on the textual analysis of epics passed down orally, the present lecture discusses the evolution, development, and theoretical models of oral poetics from the perspective of academic history.



  朝戈金,蒙古族。北京师范大学法学(民俗学)博士。中国社会科学院学部委员,民族文学研究所所长、研究员,口头传统研究中心主任;中国社会科学院研究生院少数民族文学系教授、博士生导师,国内多所大学兼职教授;中国民俗学会会长、中国少数民族文学学会理事长、国际哲学与人文科学理事会(CIPSH/ICPHS)主席;Oral Tradition (《口头传统》学刊,美国)、《民俗研究》、《民间文化论坛》、《文化遗产》、《民族文学研究》、《中国文学年鉴》等期刊的编委;“中国社会科学院民俗学研究书系”和“中国少数民族语言与文化研究书系”的主编。专攻口头传统,以蒙古史诗演述为重点研究方向,曾在内蒙古和新疆开展过田野调查工作,有著作、论文数十种发表。主要研究成果有专著《口传史诗诗学:冉皮勒〈江格尔〉程式句法研究》(2000),田野研究报告《千年绝唱英雄歌:卫拉特蒙古史诗传统田野散记》(2004);译著《口头诗学:帕里—洛德理论》(约翰·迈尔斯·弗里著,2000,修订版即出);史诗文本集成《蒙古英雄史诗大系》(四卷本,第一副主编,2007-2010)。近年来,他还深度参与了地方、国家和国际层面的非物质文化遗产保护工作,为中国的文化政策制定提供咨询意见。

About the Speaker

  Chao Gejin (Chogjin) is a Mongolian from Hohhot, received his Ph.D. in Folklore from Beijing Normal University. He serves as Member of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Institute of Ethnic Literature; and Board Member of the Graduate School of CASS. He also acts as President of the China Ethnic Literature Society, President of the China Folklore Society, President of Conseil international de la philosophie et des sciences humaines, and President of the International Society for Epic Studies, as well as editorial board member of several journals, including Oral Tradition (in the U.S.), Diogenes, Chinese Social Sciences, Folklore Studies, Forum on Folk Culture, Cultural Heritage, Studies of Ethnic Literature, and Annuals of Chinese Literature amongst others, as well as being the editor in chief of two series of research works on China's folkloristics and ethnic minority cultures. He specializes in Oral Tradition, focusing on Mongolian epic performance. He conducted fieldwork in Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and his many essays and papers appeared in a wide spectrum of journals. He has published a book entitled Oral Poetics: Formulaic Diction of Arimpil's Jangar Singing (2000), a field study report entitled "Heroic Songs of the Past: Fieldnotes on the Oirat Mongolian Epic Tradition" (2004), and a Chinese translation from John Miles Foley's work The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology, which came to Chinese readers' view in 2000, with a revised edition forthcoming soon. He is also the co-editor of Monggul Bagaturlig Tuuli-in Chigulgan (The Collection of the Mongolian Heroic Epics, Vol.1-4, 2007-2010, in Mongolian). In recent years, Chao Gejin extensively engaged in the field of Intangible Cultural Heritage at local, national and international levels, playing a consultative role in Chinese cultural policies.